37 Ft Hunter Legend Racer/Cruiser - Sveti Tomas Yacht & Fishing Charters

О овој јахти

The American sailboat 37 Ft Hunter Legend Racer/Cruiser which was designed by the Hunter Design Group and built by Hunter Marine (USA) - is extremely nicely furnished for your convenience and enjoyment.

Dimensions: LOA 37.00 ft / 11.28 m, Beam 13 ft / 3.89 m, Draft (max) 4.75 ft / 1.45 m

Accommodation: 2 Cabins, 1 Bathroom

Amenities & Comforts:
- A private head
- Fresh hot water shower
- Easy access to the swim ladder
- Premium quality snorkel gear
- Flotation mats
- Vests
- Noodles

- Depth sounder
- Marine VHF radio
- Gas stove and oven
- Anchor

Trip Details

With one of the greatest open bars on the ocean and our incredible dining selection. Therefore, if you\'d like to sit and relax and unwind, our team of professionals will manage everything.

Every guest will have a magnificent journey into some of the most gorgeous regions surrounding the US Virgin Islands thanks to our decades of experience and enthusiasm for sailing.

Depending on your preferences, we may customize your private day sail or sunset sail. Swimming with sea turtles and snorkeling in St. Thomas and St. John are only a few of the wonderful experiences that we offer.

During your visit to St. Thomas, you are most welcome to join us for a memorable vacation experience!

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Нудимо следећа путовања

  • Sunset Charter 2H
    $600 USD

    Departure: Charlotte Amalie

    Departure time: 4.00 pm
    Return time: 6.00 pm

    Itinerary: Watch the amazing sunset of the Caribbean in the beautiful waters of St. Thomas.

    At anchor, we watch the sky set ablaze as you enjoy our famous fruit and mango cheese dip platter.

    Once the sun starts to set behind the hills of St. Thomas, we will slowly sail back to the harbor.

    The times can vary by season. We are happy to accommodate specific beverage requests (Champagne, wine, etc.) or other special requests (birthday cake, flowers for your marriage proposal, etc.).

    Private Sunset charter: $600 for up to 6 people ($50 for each additional person) - Max. 6 guests

    Included: Sailing, Appetizer, Open Bar

    Additional Passenger rate: 50 USD
  • Half-Day Private Charter (4 hours)
    $750 USD

    Departure: Charlotte Amalie

    Departure time: 9 am
    Return time: 1 pm

    Itinerary: We will depart from Vessup Bay, in Pillsbury Sound between St. Thomas, St. John, and surrounding cays while enjoying your first cocktail, juice, soda or water.

    The captain will allow you to take the helm of the sailboat and enjoy the feeling of freedom at sea.

    Depending on the weather and sea conditions, we will decide together where the wind will take us that day.

    This charter will bring you to visit anchorages that require a private boat to reach to give you the best experience and to stay away from the tourist hotspots.

    We set sail to the well-protected National Park where the scenery is breathtaking.

    We will go for anchor at many stunning places for you to discover our underwater world and snorkel on our pristine coral reef or hang out with your family and friends, take a dive, or float on our crystal blue waters.

    Just to name a few of our favorite stops are Congo/Lovango Cut, Christmas Cove, Little St. James Island, and Mingo Cay.

    You’ll love our appetizer platter of mango cheddar dip with veggie dippers and crackers.

    Half-Day Private Cruise - $750 for up to 6 people ($125 for each additional person) - Max Guests: 12

    Included: Snorkeling gear, appetizer, open bar, and our favorite appetizer platter of mango cheddar dip with veggie dippers and crackers.

    Additional Passenger rate: 125 USD
  • Full-Day Private Charter
    $1050 USD

    Departure: Charlotte Amalie

    Itinerary: Come sail with us for the day with your family or friend and make memories of a lifetime.

    Create an unforgettable day on our Yacht for a wedding, anniversary, or any special event you have in mind. We will be happy to help you create this special day!

    Full Day Private Cruise - $1050 for up to 6 people ($175 for each additional person) - Max Guest: 12

    Additional Passenger rate: 175 USD


Да ли је потребно да се бринем да ћу добити морску болест?
Која је разлика између приватне повеље и редовне/ заједничке/ јавне повеље?
Да ли нудите чартере без чамца?
Које информације су вам потребне од мене да ми пошаљете понуду за најам брода?
Који су ваши услови плаћања?
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Одаберите време и датум закупа брода


Questions or Requests

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Калкулација цене

Подразумевана стопа: 800 USD

Пак Укључено у подразумевану стопу: 4

Додатна стопа путника: 80 USD

Основна цена: 550 USD

Укупна цена: 550 USD

Депозит 0 USD

Стање: 550 USD

Још увек није потребно плаћање!
1/ Прво ћемо вам послати потврду о доступности чамца.
2/ Ако одлучите да кренете даље и резервишете чартер, можете само да кликнете на линк за плаћање, да уплатите мали депозит (макс. 15%). Веза за плаћање ће бити послата са потврдом доступности.
3/ Када се депозит уплати, добићете веома детаљну потврду путовања.

Шта клијенти кажу о нашој услузи

  • Sep, 2022

    Леп дан за роњење са мојом шесточланом породицом. Воде су биле мирне и дубоке само 6 стопа, али морски живот је био невероватан. Чак и јастога.

  • Oct, 2022

    Одличан дан за пецање у становима. Ухваћена дозвола, Баракуда и огроман Тарпон. Капетан и чамац су били сјајни и створени за одличан дан!

  • Nov, 2022

    Невероватно путовање у дубоком мору. Отишли смо око 20 миља од обале и пронашли коров где смо ухватили тоне Махија! Урадићу то поново ускоро.